Simultaneous workshops (a)
- Presenter: Bob Galatzer-Levy, Chicago (English). Psychoanalysis of Manic Depressive Disorder: Clinical experiences and a theoretical formulation. Chair: Juan Tenconi (APA, APSA). Discussants: Moisés Lemlij (Former President, Peru Psychoanalytic Society, former Vice-President, IPA) Andrés Rascovsky (Former President, APA)
- Presenter: APA’s Research Group on Psychic Change A model for setting forth the psychodynamic diagnostic process and the tracking of changes in a one-year psychoanalytic psychotherapy of single cases (English- Spanish) Team Members: Susana Vinocur Fischbein (Chair) Cristina Tate de Stanley (Secretary), Ana Cigarroa de Poggi, Irene Cusien, Marité Herrera, Cristina Yanzon, Teresa Florin. Chair: Irene Cusien. Discussant: Ricardo Bernardi
- Presenter 1: Constanza Duhalde (SAP), Pia Vernengo, Ines Vardy (APA), Flor De Simone, Federico Bernao (School of Psych., UBA, IPA). Presenter 2: Delfina Miller (Director research team) Master in Child and Adolscent Clinical Psycology. Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de la Regulación afectiva. Puentes entre investigación y clínica(New approaches to the study of affective regulation. Some bridges in research and clinical practice) English/Spanish. Chair: Ines Vardy (APA). Discussant: Clara Raznoszczyk Schejtman (Faculty RTP, APA, UBA).
- Presenter: Rogerio Lerner. Parental and siblings’ vulnerability related to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: characterization of the link and evaluation of a pilot intervention model. (English-Spanish). Chair: Sergio Lewcowicz. Discussant: Nora Woscoboinik (APA, SPP) and Carlos Tkatch (UBA, APA)
- Presenter: Augusto Ferrari . Coordenador do Projeto de Pesquisa “Rodas de Conversa entre Psicanálise e Educação” (SPPA) (on behalf of Alice Lewcowicz). Chair: Silvia Acosta (APA, RTP Fellow). Discussant: Moty Benyakar (tbc) (Fepal’s Scientific Secretary)
- Presenters: Clinical Research IPA Sub-Committee: Marina Altmann, Liana Pinto Chaves (SBPSP, San Pablo, Brasil), Andrea Pereira (APdeBA, Bs As, Argentina). How does the patient benefit from clinical Research? (¿Cómo se beneficia el paciente con la investigación clínica?) (Spanish -English). Chair: Fernando Weissmann (SAP, Argentina). Discussant: Moty Benyacar (APA, USAL, PhD Dean) (tbc)
- Presenter: Pierina Traverso Koroleff PhD (KU LEUVEN, PPA (Peru Psychoanalytic Association). Significant moments associated to psychic change (Momentos Significativos asociados al Cambio Psíquico) (IPA Research Grant, 2017). Chair: Carla Mantilla Lagos, PhD in Philosophy (PUCP, PPA). Discussant: Marianne Bohleber (tbc)