Simultaneous workshops (b)
- Presenters: Ricardo Bernardi (IPA Research Committee Co- Chair) and Luis Villalba (APU, Montevideo) (English- Spanish). Chair: Cristina Tate de Stanley. Discussant: Isabel Mansione and Ricardo Spector.
- Pareja parental y Funcionamiento Reflexivo. (English/Spanish)
- Presenter 1: Juan Augusto Laplacette, Vanina Huerin, Graciela Woloski (APA), Rosa Silver (APA), Sandra Casabianca ( Research team, UBA). Interacciones lúdicas de padres y madres con sus hijos y su relación con el funcionamiento reflexivo. (Presentación de videos). (Playing interactions of parents with their kids and its relationship with reflexive functioning. Video presentation.)
- Presenter 2: Graciela Abelin Sas (APsA, New York). Material clínico de un trabajo terapéutico con una pareja. (Clinical material with a couple). Chair: Leticia Glocer Fiorini (APA’s former President). Discussant: Clara Raznoszczyk Schejtman (Faculty RTP, APA, UBA).B3) Presenters: Andrea Rodríguez Quiroga and team (USAL, IUSAM)
- Presenters: Analía Wald (APA, UBA) and Silvia Schlemenson (UBA). Complejidad e interdisciplina en el abordaje clínico de las problemáticas escolares (Complexity and interdiscipline in the clinical approach to school problematics). Chair: Teresa Florin Tornquist (APA, RTP Fellow). Discussant: Susana Quiroga (APA, RTP Fellow) (tbc) and Elizabeth Chapuy
- Presenters: Angeles Aparaín (APA) and Fernando Martín Gomez (APA). Team [David Maldavsky (Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES), Velleda Cecchi (APA), Rossana Sanin (Secretaría de políticas integrales sobre drogas (Sedronar), Carolina Coronel (Mexico – Universidad de Occidente (UAdeO ), Araujo (Uruguay – Universidad de la República oriental del Uruguay (UDELAR), Juliana Loss (Brasil – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)]. Psychoanalytic contributions to the problem of adolescent cyberbullying (Aportes de la investigación en Psicoanálisis a la problemática del cyberbullying en los adolescentes) (Work in progress). Chair: David Maldavsky (APA, RTP Fellow). Discussant: Gabriela Renault (tbc) (USAL’s School of Psychology Dean) Silvia Acosta.
- Presenter: Patricia Lago (UFRGS/SPPA) and team (Chair) (UFRGS), Ana Margareth Bassols (UFRGS/ SPPA), Carolina Padoan (PPG/UFRGS). A qualitative and quantitative study on the high rate of depression and suicides among medical students (in progress). Chair: Dr. Simone Hauck (tbc). Discussants: Carlos Tkatch (UBA, APA) and Juan Tenconi (APA member, APSA President) (tbc)
- Presenters: Etchevers, M., Helmich, N., Giusti, S.: Estudio clínico naturalístico con dos grupos de pacientes: trastornos emocionales y borderline, en el contexto del Hospital de Clínicas “José de San Martín”. (Clinical naturalistic study with two groups of borderline patients with emotional disturbances, in the context of “José de San Martin Hospital”.) Chair: Valeria Corbella (tbc). Discussant: Sergio Lewcowicz (tbc)
- Presenters: Andrea Rodríguez Quiroga, Laura Borensztein, Laura Bongiardino, Saskia Aufenacker and Santiago Juan Testing psychic change hypotheses: a systematic study of a single case of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, using the three-level model (3LM) Project with USAL and IUSAM (Spanish –English). Chair: Gabriela Hirschl. Discussant: Humberto Persano